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Target market and Platforms


Target- a goal to be achieved

Market- a specified category of potential buyers

Target Platform- generally used term in IT to discuss a platform of focus. A target platform can refer to the platform that something is being built for, a platform that is desirable for use, or simply a platform that a particular technology is focusing on. The use of these types of terms has become more common with multiplatform software and services that integrate operations across a larger number of platforms. (Techopedia. (n.d.).)

Target market-

A target market is a market in which a company is trying to sell its products or services. And

the section of the potential market at which a product or service is aimed.

(Collins English Dictionary. (n.d.).

Identifying Target Markets in music

“All marketers must find out who their target audience is before they can hope to reach them. You may already have a preliminary idea of who your audience is based on the people who come to your show and sign up for your mailing lists. But for those of you who are just starting out and who don't yet have a following, determining who will listen to your music, buy your records, and come to your shows can be a daunting task.” (Vincent. F, 2007)

Frances Vincent states that in order to get an understanding of who will listen to your music can be a challenging task if you don’t put your self out to begin with and research about what types of people will listen to your music for example you might research about what the average surfer or skater listens to in order to find out if your music fits the category.

Vincent.F also makes you question certain things about your music in order to understand what ‘type of music’ your band plays. These questions also help define your band and what people would like or listen to your music.

“ How do I describe my music?

* How do friends, fans, or business associates describe my music?

* If I had to put my music into categories, what would they be?

* What kinds of people come to my show? What do they wear? How do they behave? How old are they?

* What kinds of places do I gig? What venues are appropriate for me?

* Who buys my music and where do they buy it?

* What kind of lyrics do I write (or prefer to sing)?

* Is there a common message, theme, or tone in my music?

* What kind of image do I want to portray?

* Whom do I hope to reach with my music?

* Who are my contemporaries? What other artists (singed or unsigned) are in similar categories to mine, and how would I describe them?

* How would I describe my first impression of my target audience?

* What are their ages?

* Where do they come from?

* What kinds of clothing do they buy and wear?

* Do they have any particular characteristics as a group?

* What magazines do they read?

* What radio stations do they listen to?

* Where do they live?

* What is their lifestyle?

* What are their views on life?

* What kinds of entertainment do they enjoy and purchase?

* What is the ideal way to reach these consumers?

* What kinds of products, in various categories, do they buy?

* What kind of movies and television shows do they enjoy?”

(Vincent. F, 2007)


The band we are working with, “Flora Link” said that they are going to put their music on all platforms available by using Distro kid- a music distribution web software.

Flora Link’ plans to use this distribution platform to get their music to Itunes, Spotify, Bandcamp and Youtube.

(Distro Kid, n.d.)

Context CNTD.

We haven’t planned on a EP release party but it is something that I could discuss with them. Besides that the music that I mix will be displayed at the end of tri showcase.

Delivering the work to their target audience has been made easier by using a variety of music streaming platforms.

To reach their target audience which is aimed at the youth and adults they would have more success if they tried getting into playlists that the target listens to so they can be found.

An article from ditto music states that if you want to try and get your music onto a playlist that you need to pitch your music to Spotify playlist curators and make your band verified on the platform which can be done using Spotify for artists. If you do get on the playlist it would also be wise to share the playlist around so the playlist curator sees you care about being in there.

I can imagine this would be the same for most other streaming platforms.


Collins English Dictionary. (n.d.). Target market definition and meaning. Retrieved August 3, 2018 from

Distro kid, (n.d.) Upload and sell your music on Itunes, Spotify and more. [image] Retrieved August 3, 2018

Ditto (n.d.) How to get your music on Spotify playlists. Retrieved August 3, 2018 from

Target. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2018, from

Market. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2018, from

Techopedia. (n.d.). What is a Target Platform? - Definition from Techopedia. Retrieved August 3, 2018 from

Vincent, F. (2007). Digifreg Identifying your target market. Retrieved August 3, 2018 from

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